Monday, October 11, 2010

Rivalry Week! MSU v UM

Well I am very happy to post that WE WON again in 2010!! We are now sitting at a fabulous 6-0 and a #13 national ranking. Final score MSU 34 UM 17. (coulda been a bigger beatdown but MSU kept it classy and took a knee at the end instead of running it in from the 10 yard line for a TD or kicking a field goal). We headed down on a bus with all of the families and friends, Ed and Laura who are such wonderful hosts! We had a great time with them as always and the tailgate was terrific. The ride home was even more fun - champagne and fun celebrating a victory! We have homecoming versus Illinois this next weekend and all of the coach's kids are riding on a float in the homecoming parade. Pics coming on that next weekend!

so I'm a bit behind - this is tailgating at the Wisconsin game. It was COLD! and rainy...

Jen gets to hang with Sparty at one of the coach's kids bday party in the indoor facility

hubby and me pregame. See the coats? It was COLD!

Jean tries to hitch a ride on Johnny Spirit's bike but if he catches her she's DEAD!

tailgating prior to the Michigan game. OK - so in one weekend we went from 50 degrees to almost 80 degrees! Welcome to Michigan!!

Crazy Laura!

Ed is tending bar - he does that well!

they had a parachuter (paratrooper?) fly in and land on the field delivering the game ball!

it was way cool

kids rocking their Spartan Spirit!

Me with my buddy Pat Conlon and her beau

Final score...happy day!

Team rushes the field and heads to the Spartan section to sing the fight song and proudly display the Paul Bunyan Trophy who returns to his rightful place in East Lansing!

A gang of former players

 girls after the game! We were very happy!!

We had a celebration party at our house after the game when we got home and our favorite Michigan fans came by. Tom and Sheila Jones! They are great sports and as difficult as it must be to come into a houseful of happy Spartans after their team lost they always do and show great spirit for their team and congratulate us! One sidenote - don't let the smiles fool you - the only reason they look happy here is from numerous bottles of what Tom is holding in his hand!

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