Well it certainly was a fun-filled and action packed weekend around here! I don't know what I'd do without Sunday to unwind and breathe. Although the usual Sunday "chill" day is about to ramp up with Drew's football team doing volunteer work while Jen and I head out to get pumpkins and mums for fall decor. I guess there's always the work week for relaxation! Ha! We started out the festivities with the kids riding on a Coaches' kids float in the MSU Homecoming parade. The weather was beautiful, a sunny and crisp fall day. Followed by tailgating with my best girlfriends on another picture perfect fall day. Then the fantastic game that resulted in a WIN, 26-6 and a 7-0 record! First time in 44 years! The highlight for my GF's was the arrival of actor Gerard Butler from the movie 300 - or world famous Spartan Leonidas and the ever famous chant heard throughout all of Spartan Stadium on any given Saturday on a big 3rd down defensive stand..."SPARTANS! What is your profession?!!!"

forgot my camera for the parade so the iphone photo was the best I could do! Back of the float.
tailgating with great friends! Kris, Jean, Chris and Heidi
Kris and me - she's batting 100% for wins and game attendance!
Coach Hoke comes out for the pre-game "good luck smooch"! Works every time! Well almost...
Fat daddy tries to get a pre-game smooch from his girl
she still thinks smooching is "Gross!" Thank goodness...
the girls pose with Johnny Spirit...
one of them looks kinda guilty...like she has something to get off her guilty chest...hmmm I wonder who it could be? Is that a smudge on his bike??? Naaaah!
Jennifer and Maddie at the game! Come to think of it Maddie is also batting 100% for game attendance and wins!
Here's actor Gerard Butler getting the crowd fired up pre-game
Here's Gerry finding his seat and here's where my girlfriends lost ALL interest in the game!!! Hahaha!
Give us a smile Gerry!
He's admiring one of the Coaches' kids
post game in the locker room - another iphone pic
yes there wasn't much game watching from the girls! They decided to get a photo of his butt for prosperity!
Finally back home and exhausted but to some very happy dogs that their people are home! Rest up until next week!! Make it 8-0!